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Privacy policy 

HANDY.AI Sp. z oo for the user of the chatbot "Handy Friends For Ukraine" 
§1. Terms 

Data administrator  HANDY.AI Sp. z oo, registered in  Lublin, at the address: Kołłątaja 3/15, 20-006 Lublin, entered in the National Court Register by the District Court of Lublin-East for the City of Lublin, located in Swidnik, VI Economic Division of the National Court Register, number KRS: 0000953602, REGON: 521217354, NIP: 7123430931. Data protection is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the law, and their storage takes place on secure servers. 
The Glossary of Personal Data Protection Policy is used to interpret the terms. 
In order to better understand the concepts of the Policy, the term "Data Subject" may be replaced by the terms "You" or "Chatbot User", "Administrator" - "We". The term "GDPR" means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC. 
We respect the right to privacy and care about data security. For this purpose, among other things, secure communication encryption protocol (SSL) is used. 
Personal data provided in the bot is considered confidential and not available to third parties.  

§2. Data administrator

The Administrator processes only the data that the Chatbot User has voluntarily provided in the Form: name, gender, place of birth, profession, language skills, age, information about children and ownership of the vehicle.
Personal data is processed:
in accordance with the provisions on personal data protection,
in accordance with the implemented Privacy Policy, 
to the extent and for the purpose necessary for the proper provision of Services in the amount and for the purpose necessary to fulfill legitimate interests (legitimate purposes), and processing does not violate the rights and freedoms of the data subject. 
Every data subject (if we are its administrator) has the right to access data, correct, delete or restrict processing, the right to object, the right to file a complaint to the supervisory authority.
Contact with the person who controls the processing of personal data is possible in electronic form at the e-mail address:
We reserve the right to process your data after withdrawal of consent only for possible claims in court or if national, EU or international law requires us to keep the data.
The Administrator has the right to transfer the personal data of the Chatbot User and his other data to persons authorized in accordance with applicable law (for example, law enforcement agencies).
Deletion of personal data may occur as a result of withdrawal of consent or objection to the processing of personal data.
The Administrator provides personal data to persons authorized in accordance with applicable law, or only for the purpose of providing their services to the Chatbot User.
Personal data is processed only by authorized persons or the Processor with whom we work closely.


§3. Objectives and basics of processing 

The purposes of processing your data are defined. As an administrator, we process chatbot user data in order to:
Providing refugee support services, 
Direct marketing of the offered services, 
It is in our legitimate interest to process data to establish, defend or defend any rights (Article 6 § 1 f f GDPR), 
Carrying out all necessary measures related to the full security guarantee, 
Data archiving
Sending responses to comments, letters, petitions, objections, complaints, 
Performing legal duties of the Administrator.


§4. Information about the Questionnaire

The chatbot collects information voluntarily provided by the chatbot user. 
The chatbot can also store user ID information. 
The personal data provided in the questionnaire are registered by the Administrator in the register (GDPR). 
The person who fills in the form has the right to access, change and demand the termination of the processing of their data at any time.  


§5. The right to object

You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your data described above. 
We will stop processing this data unless we can justify that we have a strong legal basis for processing your data that outweighs your interests, rights and freedoms, or that we will need this data to determine, investigate or protect your rights. 
You have the right to object to the processing of your data for direct marketing purposes at any time. If you exercise this right, we will stop processing your data for this purpose. Data processing remains legal as long as you do not withdraw your consent.  


§6. Data storage period

The personal data of the Chatbot User, received as a result of completed questionnaires or sent letters, will be processed during: 
the period of service, but not less than 5 years from the end of the year in which you fill out the Chatbot form; 
the term necessary to protect the interests of the Administrator; 
the term for which the consent was given; 
the period arising from the law and may oblige the Administrator to process data (for example, the Law on Accounting); 
Your objection to the processing of your Personal Data will be accepted - if the basis for the processing of your data was the legitimate interests of the Administrator or if the data was processed for direct marketing, including profiling.  


§7.Data user 

Chat bot user data can be transferred:
Courier and postal companies that will deliver your parcels to you;
Law firms authorized by the Administrator, for example, to conduct court proceedings;
Entities that provide us with technical support;
Entities or bodies authorized by law.


§8.Right of data subjects

According to the GDPR, you are entitled to:
The right to access your data and receive a copy of it;
The right to correction  your data;
The right to delete data, limit data processing;
The right to object to data processing;
The right to transfer data;
The right to file a complaint to the supervisory authority.


§9. Information on voluntary data provision

Providing data is voluntary, but necessary to access chatbot services. 

Угода користувача

Consent to the processing of personal data

for users of the chatbot "Handy Friends For Ukraine"

I, the undersigned / undersigned, hereby express my clear and voluntary consent in accordance with Art. 7 paragraph 2 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council 2016/679 of 27 April 2016. GDPR * for the processing and collection of my personal data by HANDY.AI Sp. z oo, registered  in Lublin, street Kołłątaja 3/15, 20-006 Lublin, entered in the National Court Register by the District Court of Lublin-East for the City of Lublin, located in Swidnik, VI Economic Division of the National Court Register, under the number KRS: 0000953602, REGON: 521217354, NIP : 7123430931, owner of the chatbot "Handy Friends For Ukraine" (hereinafter - "Administrator"), in order to provide refugee support services. I agree to the transfer of information about the services provided by HANDY.AI via mobile phone and e-mail.

My consent includes the processing and transfer of data within:
- name,
- become,
- Place of birth,
- profession performed,
- Language knowledge,
- age,
- information about children and ownership of the vehicle,


I declare that my consent meets all the conditions specified in Art. 7 GDPR, ie I have the right to withdraw it at any time. The request for consent was presented to me in a clear and understandable form, and I was informed of the conditions of its reporting. I was also informed that the data is collected for a specific purpose.


………………………. …………………. ……………

Date, place and signature of the person giving consent


Please note that your consent may be revoked at any time by sending an email to our company from the address from which the consent was given.

* REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (general data protection provision) .

Polityka prywatności

Privacy policy

w HANDY.AI Sp. z oo

The purpose of the present document is to outline the current protection of personal data in HANDY.AI Sp. z oo (hereinafter referred to as the “Community”) with regard to risk and identified threats  retention  convenience  operations  transfer  z  prescriptions  w  zakrese  security  data  personal,  Having regard to the Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 In the case of protection of natural persons in connection with the transfer of personal data and in the case of free access to such data in addition to the enactment of Directive 95/46 / WE (hereinafter referred to as "RODO") and the exercise of rights and freedoms.



Personal data - all information on identification or possibly prior to identification of a natural person; możliwa do zidentyfikowania osoba fizyczna to osoba, którą można bezpośrednio lub pośrednio zidentyfikować, w szczególności na podstawie identyfikatora takiego jak imię i nazwisko, numer identyfikacyjny, dane o lokalizacji, identyfikator internetowy lub jeden bądź kilka szczególnych czynników określających fizyczną, fizjologiczną, genetyczną, psychiczną, economic, cultural or social identity of a natural person.
Bribery of data - a person to whom the data touch.
Promotional bribe - a natural or legal person, public authority, individual or other bribe, who accepts personal data on behalf of the Community 
Przetwarzanie danych osobowych - oznacza operację lub zestaw operacji wykonywanych na danych osobowych lub zestawach danych osobowych w sposób zautomatyzowany lub nie zautomatyzowany, taką jak zbieranie, utrwalanie, organizowanie, porządkowanie, przechowywanie, adaptowanie lub modyfikowanie, pobieranie, przeglądanie, wykorzystywanie, ujawnianie poprzez przesyłanie, distribution or other generation of access, adjustment or exclusion, restriction, removal or destruction 
Administrator of personal data - means a natural or legal person, public authority, individual or other bribe, who, independently or jointly with others, has established the purposes and methods of transfer of personal data; If the purposes and methods of such acceptance are defined in the law of the Union or in the law of the Member States, the law of the Union or in the law of the Member States may remain defined or may be specified in particular.



2.1 The following provisions have not yet been processed and extended through HANDY.AI Sp. z oo w oparciu o zapisy art. 24 ust. 2 Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Evropejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. for the protection of natural persons in connection with the acceptance of personal data and in the case of free access to such data, in addition to the application of Directive 95/46 / WE (RODO) to compulsory application in connection with the application of all persons
2.2 Security of the Communities' facilities is  realized  across  elaboration, implementation and application of appropriate technical and organizational means, taking into account the nature, character, context and purposes of the proceedings and the risk of infringements of rights or liberties of persons and persons in particular. 
2.3 The security of personal data in the Community is, of course, as certain:
The credentials, which are assured, shall be made available only to persons authorized,
Integrity, completeness and completeness of data and methods of conversion,
Accessibility, assurance, that authorized persons have access to the data of the week, when necessary.
2.4 In order to monitor the integrity of the applied organizational and technical means of protection, the Cyclical Community (min. Once before the deadline) provides for risk analysis in accordance with the aspects related to the protection of persons. The process coordinator is Koordynator ds. personal data protection. The subject analysis can also be revised  in case  performances of the same changes in the internal environment (eg significant reorganization of the structure, the introduction of a new system of information technology, personal data, the emergence of new  processes) or internal (eg changes in the regulations of the right to protection of personal data) or in the event of a violation of the protection of personal data.
2.5 At present, there is no package of rules and regulations governing the rules of admission and protection of personal data in the Community.
2.6 The Community, in pursuance of the present records, shall undertake a general effort to protect the interests of the persons concerned, and to ensure that the following are given:
(a) accepted by law,
(b) collected for the purposes of those which are intended to be appropriate and not subject to further opposition to those objectives,
(c) adequate, but limited to that which is not limited to the targets in which they are adopted,
e) correct, ie. current,
(e) located in a post where it is possible to identify the persons concerned, no longer than those concerned, who shall not be required to obtain the whole transfer,
2.7 At present, I oblige all employees of the Union, for whom the violation of the state violates the obligations of employees. 
2.8 At present, the following programs are a very obligatory part of the training program, which should be recognized by all employees of the Commonwealth, as well as in relation to cases of internal bribery of employees, in particular. 
2.9 The Association, in conjunction with legal regulations, designates the Inspector ds. Ochrony Danych, who will help the Union at the end of the right endeavor of personal data.



3.1 The Community shall carry out tasks in the field of protection of personal data: 
a) set standards of personal security,
b) significant  person  inherited  to  surveillance  i  coordination  obszaru  security  personal data - Inspector ds. Ochrony Danych, (IOD);
(c) monitor the compliance of the mechanisms for the protection of the personal data of the Union,
e) coordinates the process of charging for breaches of personal data protection.
(f) to ensure that the acceptance of such personal data takes place exclusively through the person to whom it is authorized;
d) to act as the head of the organizational chambers in order to reassure their subordinates, in accordance with their employment status, of the possibility of safe and secure taxation; 
h) undertakes appropriate actions in the event of a breach or a breach of a violation of the protection of personal data,
(i) cooperate with the supervisory authority on each of its requests.
3.2 Inspector ds. Danny's protection, full  function  advice  i  supervising  actions  in connection with the protection of personal data of the Union:
3.2.1 Inspector ds. Tax protection, in particular and inadvertently involved in all matters  concerning  security  data  persons in the Union,  e.g.  w  new  projects (services / applications / processes), as well as modified, still functioning, within which there will be a place for the reception of personal data, in order to ensure the protection of personal data for personal use.
3.2.2 Persons concerned may contact the Inspector ds. Protection of data, in all matters relating to the conversion of these personal data and the exercise of their rights. 
3.2.3 Inspector ds. Data protection, with the following tasks:
(a) informing the Community, the bribe-takers, of the employees who accept the  personal,  o  obligations  resting  and  nich  and  power  RODO  now  other regulations of the Union or of the Member States concerning the protection and advising of persons in this matter;
b) monitoring  abstinence  extortion  RODO,  other  prescriptions  Union  lub  Member States on the protection of data from current cases, 
(c) raising awareness-raising activities, training of personnel involved in the conduct of personal data operations and the implementation of related audits;
e) transfer  ratings  skutków  for  security  data  (DPIA)  now  monitoring  her performance;
e) cooperation  z  organ  supervisor,  filling  functions  point  contact  for  the supervisory authority in matters relating to admission, including prior consultations, and in connection with consultations in all other matters;
f) processing  i  update  all regulations  internal Communities in protection of personal data;
(d) the maintenance by the Community of the Registry of the activities of the acceptance of the Data Administrator and the Registry of all  categories  activities  transfer  Podmiotu  Precedent  handsome  with approved pattern;
(h) the maintenance of a register of binding models of agreements for the acceptance of personal data and information obligations in the Union; 
(i) supervision of the exercise of the rights of persons to whom they are granted;
(j) breach of the protection of personal data in the Union;
(k) maintaining a register of authorizations for the adoption of personal data in the Union;
(l) maintaining a register of conditions of trust.


3.2.4 Inspector ds. Security, data  swoje  assignments  z  due to the consideration of the risk associated with the transfer operation, taking into account the character, the turn, the context and the whole transfer.



4.1 Citizens' personal data are made available to employees at the minimum wage, safe to do so.  ich  works  and  data  situation  lub  connected  z  character  undertaken obligations in the given situation or in connection with other bad assignments and always in the case of the imposed attention to the conversion of personal data. 
4.2 The obligation to accept personal data shall be granted by the Union before the beginning of data transfer. Example of the condition of the state connector no. 1.            4.3 The influx of personal data outside the Union is possible in connection with: 
I need it  access  data  personal  and  power  prescriptions  law, for the realization of conditions,  w  bundle  z  the legitimate interests of the Community or the occasion of the bribe,
Confidence in the recognition of personal data. 
4.4 Each transfer of personal data outside the Community must be carried out with the preservation of security for the time being and in a manner that guarantees the preservation of the integrity and integrity of the subject data.
4.5 If the acceptance is to be carried out in the name of the Union, it is necessary to use exclusively the services of such bribes.  accepting,  which  for sure  aging  guarantees  envy  Appropriate technical and organizational means, by accepting the fulfillment of the requirements of RODO, have now implemented the following principles, as well as protected the rights of the persons concerned. In this regard, the owner of the business conditions, within which there will be a place of trust in the acceptance of personal data, has outlined the criteria for choosing a bribe, which, taking into account the specifics of this process. 
4.6 The increase in personal data is based on: 
Forestry trust earlier approved by the Union, or
Clauses in the terms of the main, with the reservation of compliance with all requirements in accordance with the terms of trust.
4.7 W  uzasadnionych  cases  permissible  yes  signing  conditions  beliefs  and  samples of the counterparty, z  guarding,  yes  musi  he  to guarantee  security  the interest of the Union,  a  also the realization of the rights of the persons concerned. 
4.8 Obligation  zawarcia umowy  beliefs  (lub  accordingly  clauses)  yes  independent  from  try to cooperate with Podmiot Przetwarzający. On the basis of the meritorious (business) process, which is subject to the subject of the order, the obligation to sign the pre-determined condition is met, equally in the case of the realization of the order in advance, I oblige to oblige. 
4.9 The owner of the business environment is obliged to indicate in the terms of trust the means of security, which will be bribed by the prevailing enthusiasm in order to ensure the completeness, integrity and accessibility of the data. 
4.10 The terms of the trust shall be recorded in the register of IODs.
4.11 Disclaimer  kakichkolwiek  data  personal  podmiotowi  internal,  w  within the framework of the trust of the acceptance of the data, it may be due at the time of the appointment of the terms of the trust. In the case of persons whose adherence remains to the Confederacy, further assurance is possible.  w  case  retribution  last night  events of the Administrator  data  .
4.12 Co-operation with Podmiotom prvatvarzajácim is realized earlier with the condition of trust and the standards of security established in the Union. 
4.13 The Community and the Subject to Cooperation shall cooperate with each other in the realization of the rights of persons to whom it is granted. 
4.14 Prohibition is the transfer of data to the third party (outside the European Economic Survey) or to international organizations. Deviation from this principle is possible only and exclusively in the whole realization of the conditions agreed upon through the Community and at the request of the occasion.  Inspector ds. Ochrony Danych, który dokonuje verifikaciji spelnienia pełaslanek, o którich mova v Rozdziale V RODO.



5.1 The joint is suitable accordingly  technical  i  organizational  means of protection  data  personal appearance condition  knowledge  technician,  cost  irritation  now  character,  zakres,  context  i  the whole risk and the risk of violation of the rights or liberties of natural persons on the basis of different credibility of performance and conduct. The design mechanisms identified are those related to the risk analysis process related to the Community.
5.2 Freaks  security  left behind  described  w  regulations  internally, constitutive  physical, technical and organizational safety. 
5.3 Every person shall be familiar with the principles of access to personal data prior to access.  charges  given  personal  in the Union. Every time  employee  composition  testimony  o przestrzeganiu  for now  security  data  personal,  zobowiązuje  się  to  storage  poufności  is also entitled to the recognition of personal data in the Union. Employees are obliged to use the utmost diligence in protecting their personal data. 
5.4 For the purpose of recording operations for the registration of personal data Inspector ds. Data Protection Registry:
Register of activities of the Data Administrator 
Register of all categories of activities related to Podmiotu przetwarzającego, which, for example, consists of närčniki nr. 2 and 3 to niniejszych so far.
5.5 W  whole  inquiries  supervision  over  system  security  data  personal  Coordinator ds. personal data protection.
5.6 Subject to admission, which is subject to the acceptance of personal data, subject to the relevant terms of trust.



6.1 One of the priorities of the Union is the protection of the rights of persons to whom it is granted.
6.2 Every person who has been admitted is entitled to: 
Access to data 
Simplifications of data
Tasting of data (“the right to be remembered”)
Restrictions on transfer and transfer of data
I contradict
6.3 The principles for the implementation of the relevant rights described above are described in the Procedure for the Implementation of the Rights of Persons Concerned by the Conduct No. 4.



7.1 In the case of the collection of data from the persons concerned, most at the time of their request, the bribery of data shall be informed of:
a) the name of the Data Administrator, such as the Community, its contact details,
(b) the purpose of the transfer of personal data and the grounds for the right of transfer,
(c) a right to a vested interest realized through the Union (if the acceptance takes place on the basis of a transfer of a legally vested interest),
(d) personal data collectors or the categories of tax collectors, if any,
(e) plans to provide personal data to third parties or international organizations  o  stwierdzeniu  lub  marriage  statements  through the European Commission concerned  level of protection  lub  o  responsible  lub  proper  security  now  information  o  the means of obtaining a copy of those security or place of access (if applicable),
(f) the district through which the personal data are to be accommodated, and where this is not possible, the criteria for establishing that district, 
(g) the right to seek, from the Community, access to the personal data of the persons concerned, to whom they are concerned, to be released, to abstain from, or to restrict, or to restrict the right to enter into a conflict of interest; 
h) right  to  cofnięcia  events  w  dowolnym  moment  without  influence  and  convenience  z  the right of recourse, which is made on the basis of the event in front of her coffin (if the recruitment takes place on the basis of the person's story),
(i) the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, 
j) the fact that the provision of personal data is a conditional or conditional condition or condition of the condition of the person, the person concerned, is obliged to submit them and what are the possible consequences of the failure to pay, 
k) automated  podejmowaniu  decisions,  w  team  o  profiling  now  - at least  w  in those cases - the same  information  o  ambush  ich  activities,  a  also  o  meaning  and foreseeable  consequences  such  transfer  for  persons,  której  days  touch  (if you touch).
7.2. In the case of the collection of data from other sources below the persons concerned, the Bribery of data is non-existent (at most within 30 days) informed of: 
a) the name of the Data Administrator, such as the Community, its contact details,
(b) the purpose of the transfer of personal data and the grounds for the right of transfer,
(c) a right to a vested interest realized through the Union (if the acceptance takes place on the basis of a transfer of a legally vested interest),
(d) personal data collectors or the categories of tax collectors, if any,
(e) plans to provide personal data to third parties or international organizations  o  stwierdzeniu  lub  marriage  statements  through  European Commission responsible  level of protection  lub  o  responsible  lub  proper  security  now  information  o  the means of obtaining a copy of those security or place of access (if applicable),
(f) the district through which the personal data are to be accommodated, and where this is not possible, the criteria for establishing that district,
(g) the right to seek, from the Community, access to the personal data of the persons concerned, to whom they are concerned, to be released, to abstain from, or to restrict, or to restrict the right to enter into a conflict of interest;
h) right  to  cofnięcia  events  w  dowolnym  moment  without  influence  and  convenience  z  the right of recourse, which is made on the basis of the event in front of her coffin (if the recruitment takes place on the basis of the person's story), 
(i) the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority,
(j) origin of personal data;
k) automated  podejmowaniu  decisions,  w  team  o  profiling  now - at least  w  in those cases - the same  information  o  ambush  ich  activities,  a  also  o  meaning  and foreseeable consequences  such  transfer  for  persons,  której  days  touch  (if you touch).
7.3 The use of information sources in the register of binding models of agreements for the approval of personal and information obligations carried out by the Inspector ds. Ochrony Danych.

Consent to the conversion of personal data

for people using the chatbot “Handy Friends For Ukraine”

Yes below signed / signed expressions earlier with art. 7 ust. 2 Decisions of the Parliament of the European Union and the Council of the EU 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 so-called RODO * express and voluntary agreement to accept and collect my personal data through HANDY.AI Sp. z oo, with a residence in Lublin, ul. Kołłątaja 3/15, 20-006  Lublin, entered in the National Register of Courts through the Regional Court of Lublin - East of Lublin, with its seat in idwidnik, VI Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, under number KRS: 0000953602 Handy Friends For Ukraine ”(hereinafter referred to as“ Administrator ”). I would like to express my support in the case of cell phone and electronic mail dot. services witnessed by HANDY.AI.

My story w embraces the acceptance and access of data in  end:
- name, 
- to pay, 
- place of birth, 
- the plant is executed, 
- knowledge of languages, 
- age, 
- information on children and on boarding the train,

At the same time, I testify that my time is full of all the rumors about which we speak in art. 7 GENDER, ie. It gives me the opportunity to learn it at any time, the question of what happened to me was presented in a clearer and clearer form, and I was informed about the possibility of its diversity. I am also informed about the fact that the data are already collected in the outlined whole. 

………………………. …………………. ……………

Date, place and signature of the person expressing the event


We would like to inform you that the Company may be able to stay at any time by sending an e-mail to the address of our company under the address of the event.

* DECISION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 in the case of protection of natural persons in connection with the transfer of personal data and in the case of free access to such data in addition to the application of Directive 95/46 / WE (general provision on data protection).

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