Search priorities of our users have changed recently: some Ukrainians have already successfully adapted in other countries, some are planning or already coming back to Ukraine, and living conditions for Ukrainians are updating and changing every day. So we decided to make HandyFriendsBot navigation easier and added some new sections for faster and more comfortable search.
Now when you get to - Main Menu - Information Directory - you can see three categories:
▸ Some time here
▸ Just arrived
▸ Return to Ukraine
The information in the sections has become more structured and expanded. We have several new units in the buttons "Some time here" & "Just arrived".
Some time here:
→ You'll find three useful new subsections in the "Housing and Living" section: "Internet and Communications", "Financial Issues" and "Leisure"
→ The "Work and Education" section now provides information on: "Business," "Qualifications," and "Health Insurance" (the last subsection is still being filled out, now the information is only available for Germany, Poland, Italy, and the Czech Republic)
→ In the "Legal Questions" block we have added expert advice and information on actual prohibitions that can lead to financial or administrative liability
→ The "Life Here" section provides information about the latest news, as well as specifics of life in the chosen country
Just arrived:
→ The "Legal Questions" section provides information about social and financial support
→ In the section "Work and Education" you'll find updated information about job centers, as well as helpful employment guidance
Expect further updates about the digital assistant - there's more to come!
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