We keep taking care of Ukrainians with our partners. Thanks to the collaboration with the doctors of the New Polyclinic, you can get a free consultation in your native language abroad. All you need is a declaration, which you can also sign in the bot.
Go to HandyFriendsBot's on Health section and click New Polyclinic Consultations. If you already have the declaration, you'll need to re-sign it. But it won't take long - just 20 minutes in your smartphone.
Then you choose a convenient time for the consultation, get a link to call Zoom and ask the doctor about everything that bothers you. If you need, you can get a prescription for medicine, too.
For your comfort, our colleagues also created a chatbot for you:
Telegram - https://t.me/NovaabroadBot Viber - https://pipe.bot/viber/15622
Stay healthy and strong!
